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Couples Empowerment Counseling

Feeling hurt, betrayed, guilty, anxious, frustrated, powerless, controlled, and resentful or simply feeling your relationship needs improvement in levels of intimacy, connection and closeness.


The three most relational issues that strain relationships are the lack of intimacy, communication and conflict resolution.

Most of us weren’t taught how to negotiate win/win solutions in a relationship.  It does have to be competitive where there is a winner and a loser because ultimately in a relationship, you both lose!


Couples Counseling can help!  With new insight, skills and practice, you can move from struggle to healthy interactions.


Learn skills to….

  • communicate better

  • resolve conflict and problem solve in a productive manner

  • work through unresolvable issues

  • state needs clearly, openly and honestly within your relationship

  • be each other’s closest friends

  • disagree respectfully

  • empower each other and the relationship

  • increase trust and intimacy


We will provide insight, coaching, feedback, instruction, and assignments to help you develop and practice new skills.

Couples Empowerment

We will provide insight, coaching, feedback, instruction and assignments to help you develop and practice new skill.

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